Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Teachin' tales: Our first teaching blog!

Teachin' tales: Our first teaching blog!
I've started a teaching blog with my cousin, Rebecca Toh. It's still under construction at the moment but it should be up and running soon.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

It's officially up! We've put up our first post and also roped in a guest contributor. Check us out when you have the time :)

p/s: If you are a teacher and have got something to say, let us know! Drop us a mail or leave us a comment. We'll get back to you ;)

Happy no more!

Bits and Pieces: What?! So now you've decided to allow access?!
I was ecstatic to find, one fine day, that I could access to Wordpress blogs. I was so happy that I immediately set to work activating my previous blog which was hosted at Wordpress and proceeded to move all contents of Bits and Pieces to Wordpress. I was about to write a "Bits and Pieces is moving!" post when I found, to my dismay, that my happiness was shortlived. As I was trying to save one of my posts on Wordpress, I was returned a "The page cannot be displayed" message. My gut feel told me that very instant that I could kiss all my chances of accessing Wordpress goodbye for as long as I'm in China.

I am not happy. I'm one sleep-deprived (from not being able to tear myself away from my Wordpress blogs), disappointed, cheesed off woman!

Monday, 20 April 2009

What?! So now you've decided to allow access?!

Would you believe that after taking pains to set up this blog here, China has finally decided to allow access to Wordpress blogs (for those of you who are unaware, China has a policy of blocking out most foreign blogging sites as a form of control over information inflow)? Seriously?! It had taken me a long time to convince myself to abandon my Wordpress blog for this one because I really liked the layout and everything. And now they allow access?!

Should I revert to that blog? Should I not? Dilemma, dilemma.

Would you please help me decide? Could you please check out my old blog and tell me if you think it's worth keeping? There isn't much there but I really like the layout and what little amount of work I'd put in before it was at one point rendered inaccessible. Send me a comment to vote, thanks!